Every business requires its own identity, whether small or large. And hence, great promotional strategies are needed to create awareness among the people regarding a brand, its products, and its services. In this growing era of modernization, traditional promotional strategies are no longer the primary focus of the audience, as the audience now craves more relevant and innovative ways of advertising in order to engage themselves.
Companies are now feeding on digital advertising services these days. And for the same sake, lift media is one of the best creative approaches in order to reach out to your target audience. Your key audience will be more likely to use your services or products if you use this approach to inform them of your products and services.

Billion Broadcaster offers unique advertising solutions through its digital lift media advertising. We gather data and conduct surveys on your target market to get the most out of your ad campaign. In this way, you will be able to engage your audience in a meaningful way and promote your business directly to them.

Manipal Hospitals is a chain of multi-specialty hospitals in India and is the second-largest healthcare provider in India, with a network of 28 hospitals. Lately, Manipal Hospitals, the famous healthcare provider, collaborated with the Billion Broadcaster to induce business and reach out to its target audience. So we installed our catchy frame posters in some of the posh residential and commercial properties of Ghaziabad.
From providing brilliant ideas for your business to creating customer value and achieving a profitable relationship, Billion Media does it all. The ultimate idea of Billion Media’s lift advertising has had a great and positive impact on Manipal Hospitals’ recognition and growth, as the company was able to create a strong connection with the audience directly through its unique approach. Frame posters are an exciting and clean way for advertising that is done by Billion Media. Our frame posters are featured in aluminum cases, which makes them more elegant and premium. In addition to being cost-effective, these frame posters provide 24 hours of visibility, which ensures customer retention 24×7.

Wait! There’s more

Along with the frame posters, we also offer our serene-looking digital screens, which have highly high-tech resolutions, are enabled with audio and video, and are packed with great technology so you don’t miss out on anyone’s attention. These digital screens give you the leverage of 100% customer engagement and leave a great impression on the passengers taking lifts on a daily basis. We run our ads 24 hours a day, 240–280 times each day, in a continuous loop of 2-3 minutes. We build trust and repetition into our client’s advertising campaign by incorporating it into our customers’ daily routines.